Greek shipping icon John Angelicoussis dies in Athens

Image: Lloyds.

Influential shipowner, John Angelicoussis has passed away in Athens three weeks after a cardiac arrest. He is succeeded at the helm of Angelicoussis Shipping Group (ASG) by his daughter, Maria.

John Angelicoussis, the influential Greek shipowner, has passed away at the age of 72. Mr. Angelicoussis had been unconscious since being hospitalised on 20th March.

His daughter, Maria, said Angelicoussis died “peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by close family. He will be deeply missed”. Due to strict coronavirus restrictions the funeral will be attended by a limited number of close family members.

Instead of flowers or wreathes, donations can be made to the state hospital in the suburb of Nikea near Pireaus. The hospital was supported by Mr. Angelicossis and “was close to his heart”.

ASG accounts for a third of all Greek-flagged shipping, with 140 vessels in total and 28m dwt. The company employs over 300 shoreside personnel and over 3,700 officers and crew.

Maria Angelicoussis, 39, will now formally take over the company with a current senior management team of her own choosing.

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