Sailors’ Society Brings Christmas Cheer to Crews

Photo: Lisa Davidson, Unsplash.

Hundreds still unable to travel to see families over Christmas aided by charity.

Ships’ crews in the port of Southampton have been delivered a little Christmas joy by the Sailor’s Society, reports the BBC. Since the pandemic started, several cruise ships have been mothballed and anchored along the south coast in the vicinity of Southampton.

In what must be extremely frustrating conditions, their crews have leave to go ashore but can’t leave the port area to go shopping or see their families. In response to their plight charity workers have been assisted in sending and receiving presents and cards.

Sailors’ Society worker, Simon Mobsby said: “They have no access to the outside world at all, so I do it on their behalf. Their faces light up when I bring them letters and gifts from family and friends. It’s a privilege to be able to play Santa.” He has been running shopping errands for the crews and allows them to use the charity’s offices to send and receive post.

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