Tender-process to reinstate sea link between Cyprus and Greece announced by Cyprus Shipping Ministry.

The government of Cyprus has announced a tender process for a subsidised ro-pax ferry link to Greece, reports Hellenic Shipping News. The European Commission has approved the Cypriot government’s proposal and the deadline for submissions is 12.00 on 29th January.
There has been huge public support for a reinstatement of the service and Vassilios Demetriades, Shipping Deputy Minister, said: “Cyprus, as an island State, should not be dependant solely on air transport in its connection with Continental Europe… Reinstating this ferry link between Cyprus and Greece will be hugely advantageous to the region as a whole…”
The ferry will operate between either Limassol or Larnaca and the port of Piraeus, and potential operators must provide a total of 31 return sailings each year. The ro-pax vessel must have a minimum capacity of 200 passengers and comply with all international, national and community rules.