The Norwegian company plans to convert existing facility to provide green fuel by 2026.

The chemical and fertilizer company Yara plans to fully electrify its Porsgrunn ammonia plant and produce emissions-free fuel for shipping, agriculture, and industry, reports The Maritime Executive.
Projecting a 60 per cent growth in the use of ammonia as a green fuel in the next 20 years, the company hopes to secure investment from industry partners and support from government.
The announcement was made by Svein Tore Holsether, President and CEO, at the company’s annual investor conference. He said:
– Ammonia is the most promising hydrogen carrier and zero-carbon shipping fuel… I am excited to announce that a full-scale green ammonia project is possible in Norway, where we can fully electrify our Porsgrunn ammonia plant.
Long-established in the industry, Yara is ideally placed to take the pioneering step and projects that the conversion will cut Norway’s CO2 emissions by 800,000 tons per annum.