Sail Trader Set to Cause a Stir Again

Riviera European Virtual Maritime Conference
Stock Photo. Photo: Jamie Morrison, Unsplash

Historic Ship Offers Inspiration for Feasibility Study.

The Hamburg Bundestag is set to commission a three-million Euro feasibility study to determine whether trading under sail can be made viable again, according to NDR.

Their starting point is the historic four-masted ship, Peking, lying in Hamburg harbour. Famous in her heyday for great speed, the former Flying P-Liner of the F. Laeisz shipping company will guide investigations into the viability of a mix of sail power and hydrogen-cell propulsion for a future vessel, to be named the Peking II.

An undisclosed but double-digit, multimillion Euro amount is also being set aside by the Federal Government for additional general research into alternative fuels and electric propulsion.

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