X-Press Pearl rests her haunches on seabed

Image: Sri Lankan Navy.

The operators of the fire-stricken X-Press Pearl say the vessel has partially settled on the seabed.

The aft section of the X-Press Feeders vessel, X-Press Pearl, has come to rest on the seabed at a depth of 21 metres. X-Press Feeders say the wreck has “settled down”.

An attempt to tow the vessel into deeper water failed yesterday when the ship’s stern grounded. X-Press Feeders said there are “no signs of debris and no reports of oil pollution.”

“Salvors remain on scene to deal with any possible debris supported by the Sri Lankan Navy and the Indian Coast Guard, who have oil spill response capabilities on standby,” the company said.

The update on the vessel’s condition suggest that reports yesterday were not entirely accurate. However, the vessel is still loaded with fuel and other contaminants and the Sri Lankan government has imposed a fishing ban along a 50km stretch of coast.

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