Video: Conflict in Gaza closes ports and endangers shipping

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Tensions between Israel and Palestine have begun to endanger shipping with several vessels experiencing near-misses.

The escalating conflict in Gaza has begun to impact shipping in the area, reports Dryad Global. The ports of Askhelon and Ashod have been closed and several vessels have left the area.

It is understood that a rocket fell near the Maltese-flagged cargo vessel Mona and the Panama-flagged cargo vessel, Ahmet Onel.

Footage shows an attack on an oil facility near the Port of Ashkelon and in statement released by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigade it was stated that they had targeted an “Israeli Gas Platform off the coast of Gaza.” 

Dryad expects that “bespoke” attacks against port, energy and offshore infrastructure are highly likely to feature in any protracted engagement between Israel and Palestinian fighters.

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