Maldives Coastguard on lookout for Chinese rocket debris

Image: CMS.

The Maldives’ coast guard has launched a search for debris from the Chinese Long March 5B rocket after it fell to earth in an uncontrolled descent.

Authorities in the Maldives are on the lookout for debris from the Chinese Long March rocket that re-entered the earth’s atmosphere over the Indian Ocean on Saturday.

The 40,000 pound rocket was launched successfully on April 29th and its booster rocket fell back to earth in a planned, but uncontrolled descent.

According to the European Space Agency the area of re-entry spanned all locations between latitudes 41.5N and 41.5S.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson said in statement Sunday that, “Spacefaring nations must minimize the risks to people and property on Earth of re-entries of space objects and maximize transparency regarding those operations. China is failing to meet responsible standards regarding their space debris.”

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