Egypt offers to cut compensation claim for Ever Given to $600

Image: SCA.

Suez Canal Authority says it is willing to cut its compensation claim for the blocking of the Suez Canal by a third.

Egyptian authorities have offered to reduce their claim for compensation for the blocking of the Suez Canal from the owners of the massive containership Ever Given by a third. Suez Canal Authority (SCA) Chairman Osama Rabie made the statement on the MBC Masr television channel.

The 400-meter long ultra large container ship Ever Given is owned by Japan’s Shoei Kisen and was being chartered by Taiwan’s Evergreen line when it ran aground in the strategic waterway, blocking the passage of a large proportion of the world’s maritime trade for six days.

The SCA said compensation was need for loss of revenue, damage, dredging and salvage efforts, and the cost of equipment and labour.

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