Sea Shepherd takes delivery of new conservation vessel

Image: Sea Shepherd.

The Sea Eagle becomes the latest addition to Sea Shepherd’s fleet of marine conservation vessels.

Sea Shepherd has taken delivery of a new marine conservation vessel, the Sea Eagle.

The new ship was purchased through funding from Allianz SE, Allianz Technology, and Allianz Italy as part of Sea Shepherd’s new two-year partnership with Allianz to address the issue of plastic marine debris polluting the ocean.

“Sea Shepherd is very excited about this new relationship, which will help us to spread the message that fishing gear is one of the main causes of ocean pollution,” says Sea Shepherd Global CEO Captain Alex Cornelissen.

“This new vessel will be dedicated almost exclusively to our work in the Mediterranean Sea, both as a huge improvement for our existing campaigns like Operation Siso, as well as the perfect vessel to start exciting new campaigns.”

Sea Eagle is a former French pilot boat and is equipped with berths for 19 crew and carries two small boats. Originally designed to deal with the Atlantic Ocean, the new vessel is capable of navigating the roughest seas.

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