Video: USCG rescues crew from burning trawler

Image: USCG.

The US Coast Guard has rescued five crew members from the burning trawler, Nobska, 85nm E of Cape Cod.

The USCG rescued five crew members from the commercial fishing vessel, Nobska, on Friday.

Coast Guard First District received an EPIRB notification from the vessel at 1700hrs local time and a helicopter and SAR plane were dispatched to investigate and assist. On arrival they found the vessel’s bow and wheelhouse engulfed in flames.

All of the Nobska’s five crew were assembled on the stern and were instructed to enter the water so that a rescue swimmer could hoist them aboard the helicopter. No injuries were reported.

The Nobska is a 1988-built stern trawler of about 100ft in length and is based in the fishing port of New Bedford.

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