The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) ship HMCS Calgary has made the largest ever heroin bust in Combined Maritime Forces history.

The RCN ship HMS Calgary has made the largest ever heroin bust in Combined Maritime Forces history with a record-setting haul of 2,835lbs on 23rd April.
The vessel struck again just 24-hours later with a second interdiction that captured 794lbs of methamphetamine.
Both seizures were made in the Arabian Sea as part of Operation Artemis, part of Combined Task Force 150.
“I’m speaking for everyone on HMCS Calgary when I say it’s a great feeling to have made two substantial busts so early into our operation,” said the Commanding Officer of Calgary, Commander Mark O’Donohue.
“A lot of work and coordination at both the ship level, and throughout Combined Task Force-150, and the CMF coalition goes into our work. It’s fantastic to see that pay off and to know we are contributing to the interruption of a revenue stream that is being used to fund terrorism.”