Three crew members allowed to leave the Ever Given by SCA

Photo: Evergreen.

The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) has allowed three crewmembers of the Ever Given to be relieved because their contracts have expired.

The SCA has given permission for three of the Ever Given’s crew to be relieved because their contracts have expired, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has confirmed.

BSM is the ship’s technical manager and according to its latest update all on board are “safe, in good health, and in good spirits”.

The company said the 25 Indian nationals aboard the vessel have full access to the internet to communicate with their families and that the ship is well stocked with food, “including 20 days of fresh fruit and vegetables”.

“Minimum safe manning standards for the vessel will be maintained at all times and crew members who depart the vessel are being relieved,” BSM said.

The Ever Given hit the headlines in March when it went aground and blocked the Suez Canal. The SCA is now seeking costs and damages from the vessel’s owners, Shoei Kisen, and is holding the vessel in the Great Bitter Lake while legal proceedings are ongoing.

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