Video: Heart-rending footage of lost submariners singing farewell song

Image: Youtube.

A video has emerged of the crew of the KRI Nanggala singing a farewell song to their outgoing commander just weeks before their fatal last voyage.

The crew of the KRI Nanggala were caught in a heart-rending last video as they said goodbye to the commander of Indonesia’s submarine corp, Heri Oktavian. The Nanggala sank last week with all hands in waters north of Bali.

An internationally-coordinated search found the wreckage of the vessel in water nearly twice its safe operating depth at the weekend.

The video, that was filmed a few weeks before the Nanggala set sail for the last time, shows her crew singing Sampai Jumpa, an Indonesian hit which means “Goodbye”.

“Even though I’m not ready to be missing you, I’m not ready to live without you,” the sailors sing. “I wish all the best for you.”

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