Liftboat capsizes off Louisiana — search for crew ongoing

Image: USCG.

A liftboat has capsized in the Gulf of Mexico during a sudden storm yesterday afternoon. USCG asking all craft in the area to look for 12 missing from the vessel.

A search and rescue operation is ongoing in the Gulf of Mexico after a liftboat capsized in sudden heavy weather yesterday. Up to a dozen people are still missing and the US Coast Guard has asked all vessels in the area to help them search the area approximately eight miles south of Port Fourchon, Louisiana.

The 129-foot platform vessel left port soon after midday on 13th April with a crew of 19 aboard. Seacor Marine has confirmed that the vessel is the US-flagged Seacor Power.

The US National Weather Service told NBC news that winds at the time of the accident had reached 70 to 80 mph.

The USCG said it received a EPIRB notification at 16:00 from the Seacor Power and watchstanders issued an urgent marine information broadcast. Mariners in the area responded and were soon accompanied by USCG vessels.

The crew of the USCG fast response cutter Glenn Harris arrived on the scene within 30 minutes and were able to rescue one person from the water. A second cutter arrived soon after and rescued another.

Two USCG cutters, smaller response vessels, a helicopter, and an Ocean Sentry aeroplane are all continuing the search, along with multiple private craft.

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