Fire aboard Antarctic re-supply vessel

Image: AAD

Antarctic resupply ship suffers engine fire 1,400 miles from home.

An Australian government-chartered re-supply ship has suffered an engine fire in one of its two engine rooms while still 1,400 miles from home base.

The ice-strengthened MPV Everest was returning to port in Australia after completing a re-supply drop mission to the Davis and Mawson research stations when the fire broke out at 14:00 AEST on Tuesday, 6th April, about 550nm NE of Mawson Station.

The Australian Antarctic Division, which charters the vessel, reported that the fire was quickly contained using the ship’s fire suppression system. None of the 109 people aboard were injured and the ship was able to continue towards Australia using its starboard engine.

“The ship has maintained full power capabilities and is currently continuing its course northwards at 9 knots, using a separate starboard engine room,” said Charlton Clark, General Manager of Operations and Safety at the Australian Antarctic Division.

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