Suez Canal Authority says it is considering expansion to the south

Image: Wikipedia.

Suez Canal Chairman, Osama Rabie, says expansion of the Suez Canal is being considered following the grounding of the mega container ship, Ever Given.

Reuters reports that the chairman of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA), Osama Rabie, has said that expansion of the Suez Canal is being considered after the ULCS Ever Given blocked the busy sea route for six days last month.

He said the authority is also looking into procuring higher cranes of up to 250m that could potentially help in similar incidents.

The grounding of the Shoei Kisen-owned vessel impacted supply chains around the world after it caused hundreds of vessels to back up at either end of the strategic waterway.

Stressing the SCA’s maritime competence that was instrumental in re-floating the mammoth container vessel, Rabie said: “Our procedures are sound, we are just aiming to improve the service.”

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