SAL and Jumbo form joint venture

Image: SAL.

Breakbulk and project cargo shipping company, SAL, and heavy-lift contractor, Jumbo, have announced their intention to form a joint venture.

German-based breakbulk and project cargo shipping company, SAL, and Dutch maritime heavy-lift transport and installation company, Jumbo, have announced that they intend to join forces.

The Jumbo-SAL-Alliance will focus the two companies’ resources on achieving logistical efficiencies such as joint fleet operations, bringing benefits for customers such as increased flexibility and a worldwide logistics solution for breakbulk and outsize cargo.

Combining a large part of their fleets, engineering and commercial activities will also help the companies achieve their goal of sustainable transport capacity and growth.

The venture is subject to clearance by the German competition authority, Bundeskartellamt and Dutch in-company legal requirements, and both companies have started the formal approval applications.

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