Maritime UK launches mental health pledge


Maritime UK, the country’s umbrella organization covering the entire sector, is pushing for a new mental health pledge in the domestic and global industries.

By Michael McGrady, Maritime Direct Americas & Pacific Correspondent

LONDON — Maritime UK has announced, Mar. 2, that they are sponsoring the Mental Health in Maritime Pledge.

According to a press release, the pledge forms a “pillar of the Diversity in Maritime Programme, alongside the Gender Pledge. The new pledge is part of the [program’s] objective to ensure employee mental health and wellbeing is considered at the highest levels across the sector.”

Maritime UK’s industry-backed pledge comes as the world continues to struggle with the ongoing crew change crisis.

The pledge is also a crucial aspect to the industry’s efforts to combat the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic on labor and shipping.

“The huge effort made by people across our sector in the past year has reminded us all that it is individuals at the front and [center] of everything we do. That is why it is so important to create a sector that fully supports its people and is as inclusive as possible so that we can attract and retain the best talent that reflects the diverse nature – and offer – of our society,” said Sarah Kenny, chair of Maritime UK, in a press release.

“There has been a welcome recognition of the importance of mental health and wellbeing in recent months – and this pledge provides a framework to bring that work together; to share and support one another to move the sector forward. We call on companies across maritime to sign the pledge,” Kenny adds.

Maritime Minister Robert Courts, MP, also announced that he has endorsed the pledge and believes that it comes at “a critical time.”

“This pledge marks a commitment to create a culture where employees feel comfortable talking about their mental health, should they choose to,” Courts said. “I encourage all organizations across the sector to make the pledge.”

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