SEACOR signs global crew change declaration

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The publicly traded maritime transportation and support firm is the latest to join an industry-led effort to bring stranded mariners home.

By Michael McGrady, Maritime Direct Americas & Pacific Correspondent 

SEACOR Marine announced on Feb. 26 that they signed theNeptune Declaration of Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change. 

At the time of the announcement, over 700 organizations around the world have signed the declaration, including other major shipping companies, trade unions, and human rights groups.

“The seafarers are the frontliners of the maritime industry,” states a press release. “Fatigue after extended periods at sea has significant consequences on the physical and mental wellbeing of seafarers increasing the risk of maritime incidents and environmental disasters.”

“SEACOR Marine strongly supports implementing high-quality health and crew change protocols to avoid these risks.”

The Neptune Declaration was officially launched at the Davos Agenda summit late last month. It focuses on resolving the ongoing crew change crisis that has resulted in diplomatic standoffs and spikes in crew member suicides and self-harm cases.

“This initiative from the Global Maritime Forum recognizes the shared responsibility to ensure that the current crew change crisis, brought by the current pandemic situation, is resolved as soon as possible and to use the learnings from the crisis as an opportunity to build a more resilient maritime supply chain,” adds the press statement.

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