Video: Oil blackens Israel’s Mediterranean shores

Image: Youtube.

Clumps of tar washed ashore from unknown ship could take months to clean up, say officials.

Thousands of volunteers have gathered to clean up an oil spill that has blighted Israel’s Mediterranean shoreline, reports the Guardian. Officials say the clean-up of the clumps of tar may take months or even years and the Israeli military says it has deployed thousands of soldiers to help with the effort.

Environmental groups are calling the spill a disaster and have posted pictures of oil-covered turtles online. The event began last week during heavy weather, making spotting it at sea more difficult. As yet no ship has yet been identified as the source.

Israeli and European agencies are looking for a possible origin of the spill and satellite imaging and wave modelling suggest the vessel responsible passed approximately 21 miles offshore. Environment minister, Gila Gamiel, said nine vessels were operating in the area and “there is a more than reasonable chance that we will be able to locate the specific ship”.

Last week a 55ft fin whale washed ashore in southern Israel and an autopsy showed the presence of oil-based compounds in its body. Further tests are pending.

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