Buttigieg, Biden’s transportation pick, advances through US Senate

Mayor Pete Buttigieg with former Vice President Joe Biden after delivering remarks at Galivants Ferry Stump, SC, Sept. 16, 2019. (Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
Mayor Pete Buttigieg with former Vice President Joe Biden after delivering remarks at Galivants Ferry Stump, SC, Sept. 16, 2019. (Photo by Lawrence Jackson/Wikimedia Commons).

President Joe Biden’s pick for secretary of transportation is one step closer to officially entering office.

By Michael McGrady, Maritime Direct Americas Correspondent

Former Mayor of South Bend, In., Pete Buttigieg, was named the US secretary of transportation designee by President Joe Biden soon after the democrat won the November 3 General Election last year.

Buttigieg has appeared before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation for the constitutionally-mandated confirmation process for new political appointees in the executive branch. 

After several days of mostly positive cross-examination, the committee voted 21 to 3 in favor of Buttigieg’s nomination. 

Now, the final vote will advance to the entire Senate for one more confirmation vote.

The Senate Democratic Leadership confirmed that a final vote is expected as early as this week. 

Buttigieg thanked the Senate Commerce Committee for its vote of support and said that he would join with members of the committee to “get to work on infrastructure and building our economy back, better.”

Once he overcomes the Senate’s final vote, Buttigieg will assume control over the Department of Transportation.

In the US, the department regulates virtually every component of the American transit infrastructure.

This includes the shipping industries through the US Maritime Administration (MARAD), which is a crucial component of the country’s overall regulatory toolbox.

Maritime Direct reported that the administration named Lucinda Lessley as deputy administrator for MARAD.

Until a political appointee is determined to serve as the agency’s permanent administrator, Lessley will serve as the acting administrator. 

Buttigieg will be the first openly LGBTQ head of a presidential cabinet department secretariat

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