Deep Blue Project ready to deploy in the GoG

Image: NIMASA.

The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) says piracy will no longer be allowed to thrive on the West African coast.

Nigeria’s Deep Blue Project has moved towards completion with the delivery of one of two Special Mission aircraft for the anti-piracy project. The Cessna CJ3 Citation jet was received in Lagos ahead of the scheduled launch of the Integrated National Security and Waterways Protection Infrastructure, or Deep Blue Project, on 21st May.

Director General of NIMASA, Dr. Bashir Jamoh told reporters:

“This is a historical moment in the course of our national development, especially as we move towards diversification of our economy with maritime playing a strategic role.

“The arrival of the Special Mission Aircraft happened amid a positively changing maritime security narrative in Nigeria, and we have no doubt that with this additional capacity to control our maritime domain, things would get even better.”

Deep Blue aims to eliminate illegal activities in Nigeria’s Exclusive Economic Zone and will enforce maritime law, enhance the safety of lives at sea, and police the country’s inland waterways.

With the exception of the second surveillance plane, all assets for the project have been delivered and Deep Blue is now ready to tackle the pipeline vandalism, oil theft, illegal bunkering, arms smuggling, human trafficking, illegal fishing, and piracy that has beset the region.

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