Spate of attacks in Singapore Strait

    Image: ReCAPP.

    Oldendorff, Melodia and Kyla vessels all targeted by robbers in the world’s busiest shipping lane.

    Three vessels belonging to Oldendorff Carriers, Melodia Maritime and Kyla Shipping have been robbed transiting the Singapore Strait between 8th and 11th April, says ReCAPP.

    The Singapore-based anti-piracy organisation has stressed the need for greater vigilance and prompt reporting. “As the perpetrators of these incidents are not arrested, there is a possibility of further incidents in the Singapore Strait,” ReCAPP warned.

    The robberies started in the early hours of Thursday 8th when four robbers armed with knives were seen in the engine room of the Oldendorff Carrier’s 75,200-dwt bulker, Trina Oldendorff. The vessel was underway in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme NW of the Indonesian Island of Bintan, when the perpetrators confronted an engine room technician and hit him over the head.

    The robbers fled the vessel when the alarm was raised and the crew mustered. All crew were accounted for and nothing was stolen. The vessel was able to continue on its way.

    Melodia Maritime’s tanker Harrisburg was attacked just before sunrise on the same morning and in almost the same position.

    The third incident occurred on Sunday morning, again close to the same position as the previous two attacks. This time four robbers were found in the engine room of the Kyla Shipping bulker, Pantazis. A search revealed the robbers had made off with engine spares.

    ReCAPP stressed the need for swift reporting in order to warn other shipping and said that some vessels have waited more than a day to notify the relevant authorities, making it more difficult to apprehend the perpetrators.

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