Port of Montreal strike inevitable; press conference Monday

    Source: Port of Montreal.

    The labor union representing Montreal longshoremen are moving toward a partial strike, notes local reports.

    By Michael McGrady, Maritime Direct Americas & Pacific Correspondent

    MONTREAL — CTV News reports that the labor union representing the Port of Montreal’s longshoremen announced that it had sent a notice to call a partial strike to its members and employers with operations at the seaport.

    The union said it would give more detail and official statements during an upcoming press conference the following Monday, local time.

    Labor union officials said that the notice was a reaction to the Association of Maritime Employers announcing its intention to “suspend certain pay conditions on Tuesday.”

    Employer-employee relations have been strained at the Port of Montreal for many, many months.

    For example, a massive segment of the union membership rejected an offer from the employers after months of negotiations towards reviewing the collective bargaining agreement.

    Business leaders previously said that they are fearful of another strike in the port would “seriously damage the economic recovery.”

    This is a developing story.

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