New Fijian barge Bluegas arrives at Kings Wharf in Suva

    Leleuvia Island, Fiji
    Pictured is Leleuvia Island in Fiji. Bluegas was built at the AMT shipyard in India, with its design done by Australian Marine Technology (AMT) in Queensland, Australia. Image Courtesy - Joe Cakacaka, Unsplash.

    The vessel’s arrival from India was delayed by a few weeks due to challenging weather conditions.

    Fiji Sun reports about a new $3.5 million barge – Bluegas, that will serve resorts strewn across the island nation. As is the case with seafarers worldwide during the ongoing pandemic, the crew on board had to first undergo a mandatory 14-day quarantine. With that done, Bluegas, at last, came ashore at Kings Wharf in the country’s capital, Suva.

    Currently, the 25-meters long and 7-meters wide barge awaits clearance from both Fiji Revenue and Customs Services (FRCS) as well as the Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji (MSAF). Operations commence as soon as clearance is received, as confirmed by Ajai Punja, Managing Director of Petroleum and Gas Company (FIJI) Limited, the company at the helm of Bluegas.

    Once operational, Bluegas will not only transport goods but also LPG and general cargo, across resorts in the region of Yasawa and Mamanuca. It is also capable of transporting water, milk, and fuel, as required. Bluegas has been confirmed as adhering to the Australian Marine Standard, which is essentially Lloyd’s standard.

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