EMFF Allocates 5.3 Billion Euros to Fisheries Management

    EMFF EU Fisheries Funds
    15 percent of funds allocated to Member States will have to be utilized towards appropriate enforcement and control of fisheries. Image Courtesy - Kate, Unsplash

    The EU along with the European Parliament have agreed on funds allocated to Member States for fisheries and aquaculture.

    The total EMFF (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund) for the period between 2021-2027 has been deemed at 6.1 billion Euros, as reported by The Portugal News.

    Of this, the lion’s share – amounting to 5.3 billion Euros, will be utilized towards managing:

    • Fisheries
    • Aquaculture, and
    • Fleets

    This arrangement was arrived at during a preliminary meeting held in Brussels.

    The remaining amount will be expended on various ancillary activities that include:

    • Gathering market intelligence
    • Seeking scientific advice
    • Ramping up maritime security and surveillance, and
    • Establishing numerous verifications and checks

    Further, the European Ecological Pact deems it essential that at least 30 percent of funds allocated to Member States be devoted exclusively towards climatic action.

    To date, the EMFF has played a vital role in assisting fisher folks across Europe to successfully transit towards sustainable fishing.

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