Probunkers Submits Proposal to Port of Singapore’s RFP for new LNG supply licensees.

The Port Authority of Singapore had sought out a Request for Proposal (RFP) for new LNG suppliers.
As notified in a Probunkers news release, the company has duly responded to this RFP, in line with its aspiration to be the first of its kind, independent, bulk LNG supplier in the world.
Commenting on this development, the CEO of Probunkers, Alexander Prokopakis, stressed on the intensity with which the company’s LNG fuelled fleet has been expanding, given growing interest from shipowners and charterers alike for LNG as a preferred marine fuel.
He went on to add that long term commitments and contracts were a relic of the past. Instead, as seen in case of traditional oil bunkering, transparent practices which have a clear commercial angle to them, are the need of the hour.
Cleaner marine fuel for both the domestic and international shipping community is the primary driver behind The Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore seeking out this RFP.
Accordingly, while it launched this RFP on the 28th of October 2020, submissions by interested parties could be made till the 15th of December 2020 – a requirement duly fulfilled by Probunkers.