Covid-19 outbreak at Singapore’s PSA terminal

    Image Courtesy - Peter Leong, Unsplash

    Port workers to be tested, but PSA says operations will continue.

    The Pasir Panjang Terminal has become the site of Singapore’s latest Covid cluster, says Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH).

    The outbreak involved four port workers and a PSA corporate spokesman said the company had “stepped up measures to prevent the further spread of virus” while minimising disruptions to port operations.

    Three workers had Covid last month at the terminal, with a fourth detected earlier this week. “All four cases had been at Pasir Panjang Terminal,” said a PSA spokesman. “PSA is working with the authorities on contact tracing and testing.”

    The port operator said it implemented a segregated, contactless method for conducting loading operations to avoid contact between port workers and vessel crews.

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