Two women mariners have made history in the Falkland Islands by being appointed harbour master and maritime officer.

The Falkland Islands have broken new ground in the push towards gender equality in the maritime industry with the appointment of two women mariners to key positions in its Maritime Authority.
Captain Joanna Cox, an experienced master, has been appointed as the new harbour master and will take up her appointment in the Islands in June 2021.
Much of her career has been spent on research ships operated by the British Antarctic Survey, including the RRS James Clark Ross and the RRS Ernest Shackleton. She was also master of the RRS Discovery for four year.
Capt Cox will be joined by Lydia Hutchinson who will take up a role as one of two maritime officers in the islands. Ms Hutchinson was a third officer for Carnival UK and has an MSc in Environmental Consultancy from Plymouth University.
Daniel Wood, head of the Falkland Island Maritime Authority said: “We are thrilled to be able to welcome Jo and Lydia to our team, and between them they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. Both completed their inspector training which enables them to hit the ground running when their quarantine period ends.
“It is also a great honour to be able to say that they are the first female appointments within the Maritime Authority here in the Islands and I know that they will do their profession proud.”