Port of Gothenburg to become C02 export hub

Image: CC.

The Port of Gothenburg has outlined plans to become one of the first locations to create a hub for the transportation and capture of liquified carbon dioxide.

Sweden’s Port of Gothenburg has conducted a feasibility study in conjunction with the CinfraCap joint research project to determine what investment is needed to build a receiving terminal for CO2 at the busy port.

Gothenburg envisages a multi-million dollar project that will allow it to handle up to 2m tonnes of CO2 per year. The CO2 would then be taken by specialised chemical tankers to offshore disposal sites to be pumped via boreholes into deep geological formations.

CinfraCap is a collaborative venture between Göteborg Energi, Nordion Energi, Preem, St1, Renova, and the Gothenburg Port Authority.

Project leader Karin Lundqvist from the Swedish fuel company Preem commented on the preliminary study: “There are significant gains to be had from working together to create a carbon capture and storage infrastructure in western Sweden.

“Having said that, it is an extremely costly project to implement and will require support and funding from various government agencies and authorities, backed by financial incentives to ensure a willingness to invest.”

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