Synergy CEO warns new virus wave is a “recipe for disaster”

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Ship management boss, Rajesh Unni, tells TradeWinds that outbreaks of new strains of the Covid-19 virus among the world fleet could make the Suez Canal blockage look like a minor problem.

Synergy CEO, Rajesh Unni, has told TradeWinds that new strains of the Coronavirus could wreak havoc on global shipping if they take hold in the world’s shipping fleets.

He called the new variants “a recipe for disaster” that could make the temporary blockage of the Suez Canal look like a minor problem in comparison.

Talking about the early days of the pandemic, he said: “Things were OK.

“Now we are seeing ships are being isolated because the whole crew is being infected, because the rate of spread of the new variants is much larger.”

He called this a “different proposition”.

Unni argues that if more mariners are not immunised, many more ships will have to go into quarantine of up to two weeks. The implication is that the pandemic could paralyse the entire world fleet.

“People threw a tantrum at what happened in the Suez Canal. You’re now talking about a different scale, and then you add in mental illness. It’s a recipe for disaster,” he said.

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