A new collaboration for a Pacific Rim Response Center which offers services to provide maritime resource and spill response.

KODIAK, Ak. — The island town of Kodiak is home to the Pacific Rim Response Center (PRRC), which is now a collaborative facility intended as a services hub for the Western Coast of Alaska and its portion of the Pacific Rim. The services from the center offer a suite of “maritime resources providing vessel support, marine casualty response, and oil and hazardous spill response.”
PRRC was established as a collaboration between Paradigm Marine, the Alaska Chadux̂ Network, and Global Diving & Salvage.
“Kodiak has always been a critical hub to access the Gulf of Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, and Aleutian Islands,” said Sully Sutherlin, the president of Paradigm Marine, in a joint statement. “The Pacific Rim Response Center underscores this and will help empower the support resources in that region,” Sutherlin said. “Our facility is not only in an important strategic location; it now includes three critical service providers with extensive Alaskan experience.”
According to the PRRC, assets are staged in Kodiak that includes an expansive marine construction and vessel fleet. The Alaska Chadux̂ Network also has a large inventory of oil spill response resources and extensive fleets of commercial diving, marine casualty response, and construction vessel capabilities.
“We have had a response hub in Kodiak for over 10 years,” said Buddy Custard, Alaska Chadux̂ Network’s president and chief executive officer. “Establishing the PRRC is a key part of our strategic build-out for our clients throughout Western Alaska, allowing us to collocate additional oil spill response resources.”