MPA bans crew changes for mariners who have recently been in India

Image Courtesy - Peter Leong, Unsplash

Singapore about to ban crew changes for all non-residents who have recently travelled to India.

Non-residents who have been in India are about to be banned from crew changes in Singapore, says the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).

The ban will go into effect on Saturday, meaning anyone with travel history to India in the last 14 days will not be allowed entry to the Port of Singapore.

The new measure will include sign-in crew who have travelled to Singapore by air, as well as sign-off crew from vessels that have put in to India.

The MPA said the ban is in line with Singapore’s Ministry of Health’s announcement that all long-term pass holders and short term visitors who have recently travelled to India will not be allowed to travel through or enter Singapore.

Singapore’s health minister, Lawrence Wong, said the measure was a “temporary freeze” and that it would take Singapore time to monitor the situation and better understand the “new variants that there are and the risk they pose to us”.

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