Seafarers federation calls for vaccine programs

A vessel
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A federation of 22 trade unions is calling for an international vaccine program for seafarers and inland waterways workers.

By Michael McGrady, Maritime Direct Americas & Pacific Correspondent

The Nautilus Federation has issued a statement to the world’s governments calling on them to coordinate “a worldwide vaccination program for seafarers and inland waterways transport crew.”

“The federation unions believe that the crew change crisis could be mitigated by an international endeavor to vaccinate maritime and shipping professionals,” notes a statement from the federation, dated Feb. 23. “An international effort would also help to ensure that seafarers do not miss out on vaccinations while traveling for work.”

Mark Dickinson, director of the federation, said that this call represents 22 independent trade unions’ needs and concerns. The federation represents unions such as the Danish Maritime Officers, the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association, and other Nautilus International affiliates. 

“There are specific characteristics of the industry which call for a position encouraging vaccination, as maritime and shipping professionals must travel to do their job,” Dickinson said. “This places them at additional risk, and vaccination is an obvious step to mitigate that risk and protect employment.”

The statement highlights the importance of seafarers having access to the required number of vaccine doses within the recommended time-frames outlined by the World Health Organization. Some of the federation’s recommendations include expanding access to medical services for seafarers who experience possible side effects from most vaccines’ experimental nature. 

Vaccinations authorized by the World Health Organization should be valid for seafarer travel and transit through any national jurisdiction, notes the recommendations. The federation also asks governments to permit seafarers to travel who have not yet received their vaccinations through countries to return home to their domicile country. 

“Nautilus Federation affiliates, in supporting this statement, recognize that maritime and shipping professionals require an international solution to ensure they can access vaccines while at sea,” Dickinson said. “Governments and global organizations must recognize this urgent and growing need.”

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