UK refuses to exclude mariners from new quarantine regulations

Image: Nautilus International.

All travellers entering Britain from “red list” countries after 15th February will be required to quarantine for 10 days.

The UK’s Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, has announced that all travellers entering the UK after 15th February will need to place themselves in quarantine for 10 days in specially designated hotels.

Those affected have to meet the costs themselves, with an online “quarantine package” costing up to £1,750 per person. The package which includes room, board, transport, and testing has to be booked before any travel is undertaken.

The new measures have been brought into place to help combat emerging strains of the Coronavirus, but so far Westminster has refused to rule out applying the new rules to UK-resident seafarers, even after intense lobbying by mariners’ rights groups and the seafarers’ union, Nautilus International.

Nautilus general secretary, Mark Dickinson, said: “Dismayed that the government had not followed its own policy of recognising the essential role that seafarers play in keeping supply chains open. Quite how the UK expects other countries to respect our seafarers as key workers is beyond me.”

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  1. This sort of thing is why ALL mariners NEED to STOP WORKING! The entire world depends on us doing our job. They expect us to continue, all the while treating us like trash. We NEED to show them that when they force US to suffer, we can turn the tables very quickly!
    All the treaties that have been signed to give us decent treatment have been shown to be completely useless. We NEED to STOP allowing this and give them a taste of their own medicine! Nothing else is going to work, we’ve already had more than time enough to prove that!

  2. Agree with everything that you have said Jill, mariners on modern vessels rarely have time to meet non crew members anymore, the vessels are in and out of port often in a matter of hours, crew changes due to covid are limited, accordingly the chance of a crew member becoming infected is almost nil, when one looks at the mistakes the government have made with migration by air travel, and illegal boat people entering the country, one or two crew members going home on well earned leave, that in all probability have not left the vessel, really do not constitute a health risk.


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