Malaysia has detained the MV Bistari off Port Dickson.

Bernama reports about the MMEA or Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency detaining Mongolian registered merchant ship MV Bistari, about 4 nautical miles off Pulau Arang-Arang, Port Dickson.
MMEA Melaka/Negeri Sembilan director Captain (Maritime) Haris Fadzillah Abdullah asserted that action was taken against the ship, on charges of anchoring without prior permission from Mardep or Malaysian Maritime Department. In pursuit of these charges, MV Bistari was detained at 11:40 am local time in what is referred to as an Op Benteng operation.
MV Bistari has 7 crew members on board, all from Indonesia, as confirmed by valid documents on them. Post detention, they have been brought to Melaka/Negeri Sembilan Mardep headquarters for further proceedings and investigation as per the Merchant Shipping Ordinance of 1952.