10-knot speed-limit not sufficient to stop deaths.

Despite speed restrictions in Canadian waters, large cargo vessels are still killing right whales, reports the BBC. A new report published in Marine Mammal Science, states that collisions between whales and ships travelling at just 10-knots result in an 80% chance of fatality.
Only an estimated 356 right whales remain and efforts to save them hinge on limiting the speed of ships and restricting commercial fishing in areas they frequent. The new research also found that it is not just large ships that can kill whales, but that smaller vessels like lobster boats can also be fatal.
Sean Brillant, author of the study said: “Speed restrictions do reduce the probability of lethality if a vessel strike occurs, but they’re just not doing it enough. We need to be cautious in thinking that we’ve solved the problem when the reality is that we haven’t.”