New coronavirus variant halts crossing between UK and the Irish Republic.

The Irish government has banned people from travelling from the UK for 48-hours, reports the BBC. Stena Lines and Irish Ferries have both banned passengers from travelling from Wales to the Republic unless they are key-workers or involved in the freight business.
Passengers have been caught out by the swiftly imposed ban and many are now making plans to wait the two days until crossings resume. Bukola Sokunbi-Walton told reporters that: “They [the Irish government] should have given us ample time to prepare for that, at least given us information so that we would know what to do. If we had found out earlier we wouldn’t have driven all the way [from London] – we would’ve waited for the 48 hours before coming here.”
Irish Ferries said essential travel is permitted between Dublin and Hollyhead, and Pembroke Dock and Rosslare, but advises passengers to keep all contact with other people at a minimum. Similar guidelines have been put in place by Stena Lines and the Irish government is implementing plans to repatriate its citizens who were intending to return home over the next few days.